Petrochemicals are large groups of chemicals (distinct from fuels) that are derived from petroleum and natural gas. They encompass a wide range of organic chemicals, including aliphatic, aromatic, and naphthenic compounds, as well as carbon black and minerals such as sulfur and ammonia.

The Petrochemical Industry is one of the key pillars of the global economy, especially Iran’s economy. By utilizing vast oil and gas resources, it provides the raw materials for numerous chemical and plastic products. This industry plays a crucial role in economic and industrial development by creating added value through the conversion of hydrocarbons into diverse and essential products. With its abundant oil and natural gas reserves, Iran is considered one of the major players in this field

Petrochemicals in Iran

The history of Iran’s petrochemical industry dates back to the Shiraz Chemical Fertilizer Company project in 1958, which became operational in 1964. The production of the first commercial petrochemical product in Iran occurred 47 years after the world’s first petrochemical product was introduced. The first petrochemical complexes in Abadan and Bandar Imam Khomeini played a significant role in establishing Iran as a leading producer in the region. Following the Islamic Revolution, despite political and economic challenges, the industry continued to grow through the development of new complexes and the expansion of production capacity. Today, Iran’s petrochemical industry, through the production and export of a diverse range of products, creates a significant part of the national economy and the country’s foreign exchange earnings.

In late 1963, the French Petroleum Institute, through Iran’s Plan and Budget Organization, was commissioned to conduct a comprehensive study on the optimal location for establishing petrochemical industries in Iran. These studies led to the founding of the Abadan Petrochemical Company, with 74% ownership by the National Petrochemical Company of Iran and 26% ownership by the American company B.F. Goodrich.
Bandar Imam Petrochemical Company (BIPC) (Persian: شرکت پتروشیمی بندر امام) is an Iranian petrochemical company that produces chemicals, aromatics, polymers, and LPG. The main petrochemical products - ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, toluene and xylenes - are manufactured at this complex.

In recent decades, technological advancements and the emergence of new technologies, such as nanotechnology have opened new horizons for Iran’s petrochemical industry. Due to their unique properties like higher strength, lighter weight, and larger surface area, nanomaterials have gradually found their place in petrochemical production processes. The application of nanotechnology in catalyst production, polymer property improvement and increased efficiency of chemical processes not only improves product quality but also enhances efficiency while reducing energy and resource consumption. As a result, nanomaterials will play a vital role in the future of Iran’s and the global petrochemical industry, steering the sector toward more advanced and sustainable technologies.

Nanosanjesh Company, committed to its mission of localizing advanced materials, has successfully achieved large-scale production of numerous nanomaterials and advanced additives for applications in the petrochemical industry.